When selling a house you must think of it like you are selling a product. Take all of your own emotional attachments out of it. Sellers must accommodate potential buyers, those who request an appointment need to be your priority because they are attempting to make a commitment which separates them from the neighbours who toured the open house. It is important that your home is accessible to potential buyers, if they want to see it at a certain time, make it happen. Some sellers think the buyer should accommodate to the homeowners schedule whereas the seller needs to realize how many other homes (just like their own) the buyer may be looking at.

Have you sold your home, and now can use an advance on your equity before closing day, perhaps you need money for renovations? Tembo Financial can help! Tembo offers this unique service to homeowners in Ontario and the GTA. You could receive your money in as little as 48 hours with no credit check and no appraisal* for expenses that matter to you. Don’t wait, start today!

*Subject to qualification.