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Millenials better at saving than their parents?

Labelled as the “lazy and entitled” generation, Millenials have seen their share of criticism. But revel in this – a recent study shows that millennials are better at saving than their parents, the baby boomers.

According to bankrate.com, 60 percent of 18 to 26-year-olds are planning ahead compared to just 25 percent of the older generation. Another study, conducted by Nerd Wallet, shows that millennial parents are putting away 10% of their annual income, compared to Gen X saving 8% and Boomers saving 5%. NerdWallet also found that only 7% of millennials surveyed were not saving for retirement. These numbers are most likely linked to the fact that Millenials had a front-row seat to the 2007 financial crisis. If millennials continue to save at this rate, Nerd Wallet say’s the will outsave previous generations

Regardless of the fact that Millenials are paying more bills than their parents, and facing a much higher cost of living, they still lead when it comes to savings and retirement plans. Given that most millennials have between 20 to 40 years before they retire – there is plenty of time for that money to grow. This is a very smart financial decision on their part.