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What the province is doing to fight COVID-19

The province has also released a large $17 billion program to fight COVID-19 and to help cope with its impacts.
Most of the cash will go to the health system and to support businesses, roughly $10 billion of the full amount will be added liquidity to support business through tax deferrals, WSIB premium changes, and the like.
Here’s an overview of the provincial package:
$935 million for the hospital sector, comprising of:
  • $594 million to accelerate progress on addressing hospital capacity issues; and
  • $341 million for additional acute care and critical care beds and more assessment centres,
  • The government is also providing $124 million to support the delivery of more than 90 transitional care projects, creating approximately 1,000 spaces where more than 20,000 patients can move from a hospital bed to a more appropriate transitional care setting.  

The Action Plan includes investments in the long-term care sector, such as

  • $243 million for additional capacity in the sector and more resources for screening, infection control, staffing and supplies
  • Approximately $80 million to improve and maintain the quality of care in long-term care homes; and
  • Approximately $23 million for a minor capital program that will support the ongoing repair of homes and allow operators to maintain safe and modern facilities

The government is investing $3.7 billion to support people and to project jobs during the crisis. The supports are targeted to a number of groups who need help most immediately. The government is also working with local businesses and charities as well as existing health services to coordinate subsidized deliveries of meals, medicines and other essentials to seniors in need.


To help students, the government is suspending OSAP loan repayments for borrowers between March 30, 2020 and September 30, 2020, leaving more money in students’ pockets in these challenging times.

For a full list of programs the province is releasing to fight COVID, please visit: https://news.ontario.ca/mof/en/2020/03/ontarios-action-plan-responding-to-covid-19.html

In addition, the province has put together Ontario Together, a website that allows businesses and organizations to input their capacities and ideas to supply the province and our health system as we continue to manage the disease. The website is ontario.ca/ontariotogether, and Tembo encourages businesses to submit their ideas and proposals!