Please read the following information carefully, and contact us if you are uncertain of any of the terms and conditions listed herein. By using this website, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions, which may be modified by us from time to time
without notice. All content on this website is presented as of the date published.
When accessing this website, you will be deemed to have read and accepted the terms and conditions. The laws of the Province of Ontario and any applicable federal laws of Canada will govern these terms and conditions and your use of this website.Information contained on this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any product, service or securities. The information and materials presented are not intended as investment, financial or other advice. This information should not be regarded as a substitute for the exercise of your own judgment. The opinions contained on this website are solely those of Tembo Financial Inc. (“Tembo”) and are subject to change without notice. Tembo makes every effort to ensure that the information has been derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, Tembo assumes no responsibility for any losses or damages, whether direct or indirect which arise from the use of this information. While the information and material on this website are believed to be accurate at the time they are prepared, Tembo is under no obligation to update the information contained herein and cannot give any assurance that they are accurate, completed or current at all times.
Mortgages or lending mentioned on this website are available to Canadian residents only, unless otherwise disclosed, and may be subject to further provincial or territorial restrictions. Forms, applications and other documents on this website are for information gathering or client assessment purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any product or service.
The Tembo logo are trademarks of Tembo Financial Inc. You may not copy, distribute, modify or post this website, including any text, graphics, video, audio, code, design or logos. The only link you may report, advertise or list is the homepage of this site, Tembo does not endorse or sponsor any non-Tembo website that makes use of or reference to the Tembo Website.
This website is not intended to provide tax, legal or investment advice. You are solely responsible for determining whether any product or service, is appropriate or suitable for you based on your objectives, risk tolerance and personal and financial situation. Each potential client should satisfy himself as to the federal and provincial tax and legal consequences of these products and services by obtaining advice from his tax and or legal advisor.
Tembo is committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. Tembo collects personal information to provide you with the best possible services. If you are a potential client of Tembo, Tembo will collect your name, social insurance number, and other information necessary to provide you with loan services. Your personal information may also be used for educational and marketing purposes, including sending material to provide you with product and tax information. We do not sell any personal information. Where information is shared with third parties, we do so in strict confidence only in order to complete transactions on your behalf with your prior consent, to provide you with services, or to meet legal obligations such as tax reporting. We will not share any of your information with third parties without your knowledge. We require that these service providers protect your information with the same strict guidelines of confidentiality and use it only for the purposes required. Tembo may be required to disclose personal information to regulators for regulatory purposes. If you have any questions regarding Tembo privacy policy, please contact Arryn Greenspan.
We collect your personal information from our interactions with you and your representative (if applicable). We may interact with you by phone, e-mail, mail, or in person, or through indirect interaction such as through your representative. We always endeavor to ensure your personal information is up to date and accurate. Please ensure you inform us of any changes to your personal information, including change of address, name, email or phone number.
We take very strict measures to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. We employ extensive physical, electronic and procedural controls to ensure we meet the highest industry standards. We restrict access to your personal information so that only those who require it have access to it. You may request access to your personal information at any time, and we will respond to your request within 30 days of receiving it.
Since January 1, 2004, all Canadian organizations engaged in commercial activities have been required to and do comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information incorporated by reference into PIPEDA. These obligations extend to companies like finance companies such as Tembo financial Inc.
Tembo is committed to providing the highest quality lending products and services. If you have any questions or complaints, please contact Arryn Greenspan.